Saturday, August 30, 2008

Acceptance with Joy!

I am reading Hinds Feet in High Places and it's such a good book. The little character, Much Afraid, is on her journey with the Cheif Shepherd to the High Places.

Today she had to go into the desert. She was very upset by it, because the road to the desert looked like it led away from the High Places. The Shepherd talked with her and led her through the desert. They saw three things there:

1. Grain being crushed and ground so that it could be used for the finest bread.

2. A potter's wheel molding a piece of clay.

3. Gold being refined in the fire.

Then she met a little flower growing in the desert whose name was Acceptance with Joy.

God spoke to me very clearly through this section. The clay on the potter's wheel is for the potter's use and will. That kind of surrender-living only in Him completely surrendered to Him is His will for my life. The crushing and refining are for that purpose-to bring me to Him where He makes the "abundant life" an experienced reality for me.

There are still things (rights, comforts, dreams, preferences) that I have been keeping a death-grip on! In the past few days, He has gently opened my hands to release these things into His care. He is trustworthy and has always been so faithful.

I choose now to trust Him with my rights, comforts, dreams and preferences. I choose to trust that His will for my life is to live alive and full and He will accomplish that in my life. Through my circumstances and despite my circumstances He is and will continue to work beautiful things in my life and family!


andrea said...

I think you summed it up well in your last sentence. I really appreciate this post. I need to shift my focus, its not about what I's all about His Will as God uses me for His Glory.

JMBMOMMY said...

Wow. I love even just the name of this post --ascceptance with joy. You know joy comes with acceptance!!! I lived according to my circumstances for so long and was just left feeling quite terrible....sounds like a great book. You know me...I'll have to read it. :)