Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Good Things Today

I talked with my mom AND grandma on the phone...that's a treat to get both in one day! :)

I organized all of our off size/season clothes in the garage, which is great! When they aren't organized I end up buying clothes that we don't need just because I have no idea where anything is located!

Little L's new thing is doing Karate to get people's attention. She's 11 months and just does it with her hands and voice. I am going to try and get a video of her doing it to show her off. It's hysterical. It kills me every time she does it. I love it.

I have been getting a lot of hugs and I love yous from A since our fun trip to Arkansas. So much fun.

S does a hysterical little dance when we're getting her ready for bed. It makes it impossible not to enjoy bedtime! (Thanks Kelsey!)

My aunt and uncle are coming to visit in 2 weeks! Yipee!!

We get to have lunch with friends from college on Friday! We haven't seen them in ages, so I'm so excited to catch up.

I'm married to Matt. He's awesome. That's the best thing about today.

Actually, the best thing about today is that Matt, who is awesome, leads me in God's grace. And God's grace is incredible today and every day. There is no greater quality I would rather have in a husband than that. I could list tons of things I enjoy about him, but that's the best one so I'll leave it there.


JMBMOMMY said...

Being able to peek into your family and your marriage is a delight. You are a delight. And Matt is pretty awesome too :)

Larissa said...

Sounds like a great day!!
I wish I could be that productive... but instead I sit on my computer and catch up on blogs! :)

Dani Smith said...

I love bloggy days, too! :)

andrea said...

it sounds like you are having an awesome day! i love those days...days that you can reflect and enjoy all your blessing in your life! hugs!

Breanne said...

Sounds wonderful.